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Computer Programming

How can we help?

We help harness the power of technology for people in education. Three typical scenarios where we can provide assistance:

  • Researchers in education: we can help you develop and implement IT-related aspects of your research proposals.

  • Teachers: we can help you turn your technology-enhanced learning ideas into reality.

  • Administrators: we can help you improve educational processes through the use of technology.

Each of these groups can engage with us. The majority of the work we do will be with Researchers and Teachers in Educational Insitutions. This is the focus of what we do and our mission. The investors and contributors help us get there.

Researchers in Education

Do you have a groundbreaking funding proposal which requires significant software development?

Are you having trouble estimating the cost and time aspect of the software development to complete your proposal? 

Are you struggling to find the right people to bring your vision to life?

We offer a full range of software development services to help bring your vision to life. Our team of experts has the skills and experience needed to guide you through the entire software development life cycle, from extracting software requirements to designing and implementing robust, scalable solutions. We begin by working closely with you and your stakeholders to understand your specific needs and goals, and to identify the key requirements that your software solution must meet. Our skilled architects and designers can then perform detailed reviews or assist with the actual design of the solution, ensuring that it meets all of your usability, maintainability, and cost requirements. Whether you need detailed user interface and user experience (UI/UX) design, or robust, scalable software architecture that leverages modern capabilities like serverless and automation, our team is here to help. With our deep expertise in both technology and education, we're uniquely positioned to help you achieve your goals and create a brighter future for education. Let's work together to bring your vision to life.

Outdoor Crossword


Do you have innovative ideas for engaging your students in lectures?


Are you looking to automate data analysis to identify areas for improvement?


Do you have new ideas for capturing live peer feedback?


But lack the ability to build the necessary mobile applications or analytical systems?

We understand that teachers play a crucial role in shaping the future of education. That's why we're committed to providing the support and guidance needed to help teachers bring their innovative ideas to life and create a lasting impact on the world of education. Whether you have ideas for engaging students in new and exciting ways, improving the efficiency of administrative processes, or developing new teaching methodologies, we're here to help. Our team of experts has the skills and experience needed to guide you through the entire process, from ideation and conceptualization to prototyping, testing, and deployment. We begin by working closely with you to understand your specific needs and goals, and to identify the key challenges that your solution must address. From there, we can help you develop and implement a custom solution that meets your exact specifications and requirements. Our full range of software development services includes everything you need to bring your vision to life, from extracting software requirements and designing robust, scalable solutions to building and testing mobile applications, analytical systems, and more. We can even help you promote and educate users on the benefits of your solution to drive adoption and maximize impact. So if you're a teacher with innovative ideas for improving education, don't hesitate to reach out to us. We're here to provide the support and guidance needed to help you achieve your goals and create a brighter future for education.

Teacher Assisting a Student
Office employee


Is your education institution struggling to showcase outcomes, improve process automation, or meet the needs of teachers and students with your current learning management system (LMS)?


We provide custom solutions to address these challenges and achieve your goals.

We offer a wide range of services and expertise to help education institutions improve outcomes, increase efficiency, and enhance the learning experience. Our team of experts has extensive experience in software development, data analysis, process automation, and learning management systems. We work closely with our clients to understand their unique needs and challenges, and to develop customized solutions that address these challenges and achieve their goals. Some of the specific services and expertise we offer include: Software development: We can help education institutions develop custom software solutions that automate administrative tasks, analyze data, enhance communication and collaboration, and support teaching and learning. Data analysis and reporting: We can develop analytical systems that can process and analyze data from multiple sources, providing valuable insights into the performance of education institutions and enabling data-driven decision making. Learning management systems: We can develop customized learning management systems or extensions that meet the unique needs of education institutions, providing enhanced functionality, better engagement, and improved outcomes. Technical expertise: Our team has a deep understanding of the technical challenges and opportunities facing education institutions today, including emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and blockchain. By partnering with us, education institutions can benefit from our extensive experience, technical expertise, and innovative thinking to achieve their goals and create a lasting impact on the world of education.

Our working models

We offer a variety of flexible partnership models to meet the unique needs and challenges of our clients and their institutions.


We will work with you to find the approach that works best for you.

Some of the possible partnership models we offer include:

  • Oversight and review

  • Management and direction

  • End-to-end solution


No matter the model used, we're committed to delivering solutions that meet your needs.

We offer a range of flexible partnership models to meet the unique needs and challenges of our clients and their institutions. Some of the possible partnership models we offer include: Oversight and review: In this model, we work closely with your institution to provide guidance and feedback throughout the development process. For example, if your institution has an in-house development team but needs additional technical expertise, we can provide oversight and review to ensure that the solution meets your needs and goals. Management and direction: In this model, we take on a more active role in the development process. We provide project management, technical direction, and ongoing support to ensure that the solution is delivered on time, within budget, and meets your institution's needs. For example, if your institution wants to develop a new learning management system (LMS) capability but doesn't have the in-house technical expertise to manage the project, we can provide management and direction to ensure the success of the project. End-to-end solution: In this model, we handle the entire development process from ideation and conceptualization to prototyping, testing, and deployment. For example, if your institution or research project wants to develop a new mobile application to engage students but doesn't have the technical expertise or resources to do so, we can provide an end-to-end solution to deliver a custom, high-quality mobile application that meets your needs. No matter which partnership model you choose, we're committed to providing innovative, impactful solutions that meet your unique needs and achieve your goals

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