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EdTech Research and Development

We are an Educational Technology (EdTech) research and development company. We focus on tackling the key challenges in education by researching how to apply technology successfully to these key challenges.

At our company, we're passionate about using technology to make a real difference in the world of education. We know that Higher Education faces many challenges, from ensuring student engagement and retention to delivering high-quality, accessible courses that prepare students for the demands of the modern job market. That's why we've made it our mission to conduct cutting-edge research into the most effective ways to use technology to address these challenges head-on. Our team of experienced researchers and developers works tirelessly to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to the latest trends and best practices in EdTech. We're constantly exploring new tools and techniques, and testing them rigorously to ensure that they meet the highest standards of effectiveness and usability. And because we understand the critical importance of pedagogy in shaping successful educational experiences, we always prioritize a deep understanding of the principles and theories that underlie effective teaching and learning. Whether you're an teacher looking to improve your teaching methods, a student seeking to enhance your learning experience, or an administrator looking to streamline your institution's operations, we're here to help. Our solutions are designed to be flexible, scalable, and customizable to meet your specific needs and goals. And we're always looking for new partners to collaborate with in our ongoing efforts to improve education through the power of technology.

Fists in Solidarity

In Partnership with Academic Experts

We partner with academic experts in education to ensure that our solutions are grounded in the latest research and best practices, improving educational outcomes for learners and teachers.

As an EdTech research and development company, we recognize the importance of collaborating with academic experts in the field of education. These partnerships allow us to bring together our technological expertise with the deep theoretical and practical knowledge of teachers, researchers, and other experts in the field. We believe that working with academic experts is essential to developing solutions that are not only innovative and effective but also grounded in the latest research and best practices in education. By partnering with these experts, we're able to stay abreast of the latest trends and challenges in the field, and to ensure that our solutions are rigorously tested and validated. Our academic partners play a critical role in shaping our research agenda, providing insights into the key challenges facing teachers and learners today, and helping us to identify the most promising areas for innovation and improvement. We collaborate closely with these experts throughout the research and development process, from ideation and conceptualisation to prototyping and testing. Ultimately, our partnership with academic experts in education is all about ensuring that our solutions are aligned with the needs of the education community and grounded in the latest research and best practices. By combining our technological expertise with the insights and knowledge of these experts, we're able to develop solutions that are truly transformative, improving educational outcomes for students and teachers alike.

Where do we fit in?

We help harness the power of technology for people in education.

Researchers/Principle Investigators Perspective

Do you have a groundbreaking funding proposal which requires significant software development? Are you struggling to find the right people to bring your vision to life?

Don't let these challenges hold you back. We can help!

Teachers Perspective

Do you have a great idea on how to make lessons more engaging and effective for students but it requires the creating a mobile application.

Look no further. We can help!

Administrators Perspecctive

You know your institution needs to show its outcomes and this means proving better tools to your staff, but you are not sure on what exactly is needed. We can help!

We Can Help!

From ideation and conceptualisation to prototyping, testing, and even ongoing support and maintenance, we're with you every step of the way.


We combine deep technical expertise with a strong foundation in education, enabling us to move quickly and deliver results that truly make a difference.


Using our agile Explore-Learn-Innovate-Educate process, we're equipped to tackle even the most complex challenges with confidence and creativity.

Let's work together to transform education for the better, one innovative solution at a time.


To find the right solution, we start by understanding the problem and defining what success looks like.


This means diving deep into the challenge at hand, gaining a thorough understanding of the issues involved, and determining whether a solution can truly make a difference.


Let's explore together to achieve real results and drive meaningful change in education.

One well-known figure who has spoken about the importance of understanding the problem and defining success is Stephen Covey, the author of "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People". Covey famously said, "Begin with the end in mind" - which means that before embarking on any new project or endeavor, it's essential to have a clear understanding of the desired outcome. This concept is especially relevant in the field of EdTech, where the stakes are high and the challenges are complex. To truly make a difference in education, it's essential to start by exploring the problem at hand, gaining a deep understanding of the issues involved, and defining what success looks like. Only then can we develop effective solutions that truly meet the needs of teachers, students, and administrators alike. At our EdTech research and development company, we take this approach to heart. We know that to deliver real results, we need to begin with a clear understanding of the problem we're trying to solve and a clear definition of what success looks like. That's why we're committed to working closely with our partners to explore the challenges they face, gain a deep understanding of their needs and goals, and collaborate on innovative solutions that truly make a difference. Together, we can build a brighter future for education.

Student Learning Mathematics


When charting a path from the problem to the successful outcome, we believe that the key to this process is a deep understanding of the challenges and obstacles that may arise along the way.


By seeking to understand the nuances of these challenges and obstacles, we're able to develop solutions that overcome them and drive success.

The concept of gaining a deep understanding of the path from problem to success is a key element of many popular management and leadership theories. One well-known figure who has spoken about this idea is Peter Drucker. Drucker famously said, "If you can't measure it, you can't improve it." This idea emphasizes the importance of understanding the problem and tracking progress towards the desired outcome in order to achieve success. We know that to achieve meaningful results in education, it's essential to gain a deep understanding of the challenges and obstacles that may arise along the way. This means tracking progress towards the desired outcome, measuring the effectiveness of our solutions, and making adjustments as needed to stay on track. We believe that by embracing a culture of continuous improvement and a deep understanding of the path from problem to success, we can develop innovative solutions that truly make a difference in the world of education. Whether we're creating new tools for student engagement, developing innovative approaches to online learning, or streamlining administrative processes, our goal is always the same: to deliver real results that drive success for our partners and their students.


Once you've achieved success in a specific research project, teaching goal, or administrative process, the challenge is to transfer that success to the wider world.


This requires further innovation and commercial thinking to give your creation a life beyond your institution.

We are committed to helping you take your innovations to the next level. 

Technology transfer is the process of taking research or innovation from the academic world and commercializing it for use in the wider world. This process requires a combination of technical expertise, business acumen, and creative thinking, as well as a deep understanding of the needs and challenges of a broad set of end-users. However, in many cases, particularly in education, the technology transfer process never happens due to a lack of understanding on how to do this from a technical or commercial standpoint. We understand the challenges of technology transfer in education and are committed to helping our partners overcome these barriers. With our deep expertise in both technology and education, as well as our extensive network of industry partners and investors, we provide the support and guidance needed to successfully commercialize innovative educational technologies and solutions. Let's work together to ensure that your research output reaches its full potential and has a lasting impact on the world of education.

Warehouse Robot


The final step is to make the solution accessible to as many people as possible.


This means enabling the solution to be available openly and integrating it with existing platforms, so that it can be easily accessed and used by teachers and students alike.​

The final step in the process of creating successful educational solutions is to make those solutions accessible to as many people as possible. This means not only creating the solution, but also ensuring that it can be easily accessed and used by teachers and students alike. One important aspect of accessibility is enabling the solution to be available openly, so that anyone who wants to use it can do so without barriers or restrictions. Another important aspect is integrating the solution with existing platforms and systems, such as learning management systems, to make it as seamless and user-friendly as possible. However, accessibility alone is not enough. To truly drive adoption and gain the proven benefits of the solution, it's also essential to educate people on its usage and benefits. This means providing clear and concise instructions on how to use the solution, as well as highlighting its benefits and potential impact on teaching and learning outcomes. Effective education and training can help to overcome any initial resistance to change and encourage users to fully embrace the solution. We understand the importance of making educational solutions accessible and easy to use, as well as the crucial role of education and training in driving adoption and achieving success. Whether you need help with open access, platform integration, or user education, we're here to provide the support and guidance needed to help your solutions reach their full potential and have a lasting impact on the world of education.

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